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The Challenge

CI Dining is one of the most famous café chains in southern Connecticut, the better their services the more are the footfall of the customers and a demanding market looking to try out their delicacies and experience the exceptional customer services.

Hence, manual order management and billing for multiple corporate clients across multiple outlets was a real deal while living in the era of "reputation economy," where a café chain brand can live or die based on what is being said about them online and C I Dining never wanted to compromise on the reputation. In today's competitive market, C I Dining needed a technology boost- a central system to cover all back office work associated with order lifecycle management, smooth invoicing, menu customization & rates projection, and multiple outlets closure management.

Solution Conceptualization

We strive to "Make Technology Simple” and planned to automate manual processes at C I Dining by analyzing every paper-based process involved with each task involved in cafes operation in detail helped us in planning the foundation of handling and maintaining their order influx tracking system, user supervision and dynamically monitoring multiple cafes under a single platform.

  • Defining & Conceptualizing the need
  • Designing & Prototyping
  • Development & Testing
  • Delivery & Support

With a determined mindset, detailed analysis and constant support from Mr. Ernst and Mr. Jag Singh (Founder)- our team was able to deliver a system that not only sufficed the requirements but offered more analytical insights to C I Dining through our reports to take better business decisions and understand trends of order influx and much more.


Project Execution



CI Dining has been using our platform for 3+ years, the use of e-ROMS has provided them greater control over order management and back office work by managing multiple outlets on a single platform.

It has automated the accounting and reporting processes to make their catering business work better, make it more profitable and make life easier which is deemed successful and game changing for them over the years.

Client Feedback